Meeting and Elections – December 6

When: Thursday, December 6 from 7:00 pm to 9:30pm
(7:00-8:00 social networking/holiday treats, 8:00 nominations and elections, 8:30-9:30pm sneak peeks)
Where: US Patent and Trademark Office, 600 Dulany Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 – (Jefferson Building)

Washington DC ACM SIGGRAPH would like to invite you to attend our end of the year event! Join us for holiday treats, a chance to socialize/network and get a sneak peek for what’s in store for 2013! Bring your laptop or DVD and show us what you’re working on as well! We will also be holding elections!

Washington DC ACM SIGGRAPH is currently accepting nominations for the following positions: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. Please email us if you are interested in volunteering for a position at or The main requirement is that all officers MUST be voting members of ACM and members of ACM SIGGRAPH. Information about the duties and responsibilities of each member is located here:

If you are unable to attend the meeting but would still like to volunteer for a position, please drop us an email and your name will be added to the ballot.

We are also looking for volunteers for Communications and Refreshments committees. If you’d like more information about a position feel free to contact us as well.

2 thoughts on “Meeting and Elections – December 6”

  1. I missed this!! 🙁 I was checking the page for event updates, I’ll make sure to stick to this page instead so I don’t miss out! Is there an email list I can get on for future notifications? Thanks!!


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