When: Thursday, November 6 from 7:00 pm to 9:00pm
Where: US Patent and Trademark Office, 600 Dulany Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 – (Remsen Building)
It’s election time! Washington DC ACM SIGGRAPH is currently accepting nominations for the following positions: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer and we will be voting on Thursday, November 6. The main requirement for a leadership position is that all officers must be voting members of ACM and members of ACM SIGGRAPH. Information about the duties and responsibilities of each member is located here: http://wp.siggraph.org/washington/bylaws/
Currently nominations are as follows: Roberto Ortiz – nomination for Chair, Chris Rahaim – nomination for Vice-Chair, Mark Jette – nomination for Secretary, Kim Wallace – nomination for Treasurer. If you’d like more information about a position or would like to volunteer for a committee or to even present at a meeting feel free to contact us at dc_siggraph@mail.com or robertoortiz1@yahoo.com .
And after the meeting we will go for dinner at TEDs in Alexandria.
Join us for holiday treats, a chance to socialize/network and get a sneak peek for what’s in store for 2015! Bring your ideas and suggestions for what you’d like to see in a meeting and volunteer to present! Bring your laptop or DVD and show us what you’re working on as well! See you there!