Digital Certificate @ AU starting this March

From Brigid Maher of American University.

Hi All,

Our first cohort class starts in March.  This is a great program for
mediamakers who want to update their skills. Give me a shout if you’d
like to know more about the program.  I’m happy to talk with you.

American University announces a new online graduate certificate in
Digital Media Skills
Explore the new frontiers of digital media, hone your online technical
skills, capitalize on the stampede toward social media, and develop a
portfolio for prospective employers.  American University’s Digital
Media Skills Certificate allows you to work full-time while you take
challenging graduate-level online courses taught by experienced
faculty trained to deliver superior content.

In just 12 months, you will complete coursework in Digital Media
Literacy, Web Development, Dynamic Content, and Video for Social
Media.  Your final capstone project allows you to focus your interests
in a particular area and to produce a professional portfolio that
clearly demonstrates your skills, knowledge and digital vision. An
optional on-campus session at the end of your program allows you the
opportunity to get one-on-one critiques from industry leaders.
The future is here.  Don’t be left behind.  The first 20 students to
enroll in the program’s inaugural cohort starting March 2012 will
receive $500 in tuition assistance.  Learn more at

Brigid Maher
Program Director, Digital Media Skills Graduate Certificate
Associate Professor, Film and Media Arts Division
School of Communication
American University