DATE: Thursday, June 27, 2019
FROM: 7:00-9:00pm
WHERE: V! Studios (directions below)
Please join the Washington DC Chapter of ACM SIGGRAPH for a joint meeting with the Cinema 4D/Maya Animation Users Meetup. Topics to be covered will be the upcoming SIGGRAPH 2019 conference along with a 2D character rigging demonstration in Adobe After Effects by Meggie Sheehan.
SIGGRAPH Conference:
The ACM SIGGRAPH Conference for 2019 will be held in Los Angeles, CA from July 28th – August 1st. The annual SIGGRAPH conference is a five-day interdisciplinary educational experience in the latest computer graphics and interactive techniques including a three-day commercial exhibition that attracts hundreds of exhibitors from around the world.
Chapter and Board members who have attended past SIGGRAPH conferences will share their experiences. For those who are planning to attend the conference, bring your schedules to share with the group.
SIGGRAPH Conference 2019
Adobe After Effects Demonstration:
Meggie Sheehan, from the Cinema 4D/Maya Animation Users Meetup, will present 2D character rigging in Adobe After Effects. She will start with the basic rigging tools After Effects provides then dive into simple rigging using DUIK. DUIK is a free tool set from Rainbox which can be used to do ridged rigging, rubber hose rigging and facial rigs.
DUIK can be downloaded here:
Please join us on Thursday, June 27, 2019 from 7pm to 9pm at V! Studios for these exciting discussions.
V! Studios
8229 Boone Blvd., Suite 420
Vienna, VA
Parking is free at the V! Studios location.
Contact ACM SIGGRAPH Washington DC: