3D Studio Max and Compositing With Combustion

When: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 from 7:30pm to 9:30pm

Where: US Patent and Trademark Office – Remsen Conference Center – link to map:http://usptocareers.gov/Pages/NewEmployee/Campus.aspx

-NOTE: The meeting room might change

RSVP: robertoortiz1@yahoo.com

DC_SIGGRAPH invites you to hear a presention by Rob Cloutier on using 3D Studio Maxand compositing with Combustion for an upcoming documentary.

Continue reading “3D Studio Max and Compositing With Combustion”

DC_SIGGRAPH July Meeting Info

Hello All,
I’ve been talking about having a DC_SIGGRAPH  “How to Prepare for the
SIGGRAPH conference” meeting before everyone heads off to LA at the
end of the month.  The meeting was going to be this week, but I’ve
come to the realization that I am woefully unprepared for the
meeting.  Since I am unable to attend the conference in LA (due to
upcoming maternity leave – “soon”) I have no idea what’s “new” or
“hot” to see at the conference.  I don’t even know what classes are
offered this year!

Continue reading “DC_SIGGRAPH July Meeting Info”

Demo Reel/Portfolio Night

When: May 6 from 7pm to 9pm
Where: US Patent and Trademark Office, Madison Buildings (East & West) at 600 Dulany Street, Alexandria, VA
(The meeting would be on May the 6th and it would run between from 7:00 to 9:00 pm but the room is reserved from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm. )
Please note that an RSVP is REQUIRED if you plan to attend this event!  There is a possibility you might not be admitted into the building if you are not on the building security list! Please bring a Driver’s License or other form of Government I.D. for admittance into the building.

Continue reading “Demo Reel/Portfolio Night”

2009 Computer Animation Festival – Part 1

When: Thursday, September 17, 2009 from 6:30pm to 9pm

Where: BAE Systems, 8201 Greensboro Drive, Suite 1200, McLean, VA22102

DC_SIGGRAPH had a wonderful “SIGGRAPH De-Brief and Schwag Exchange” meeting, but many of you expressed regret that you didn’t get to see ALL the photos (Roberto had hundreds!). So as a pre-meeting event, we’ll present a slide show of “all” the conference photos (with minor editing to fit in the time allotted.). So come early to see the slide show – the slide show starts at 6:30!

At 7pm, DC_SIGGRAPH will show the SIGGRAPH 2009 Computer Animation Festival (part 1). The SIGGRAPH Video Reviews showcase some of the year’s most dazzling and innovative collection of submitted works selected by a distinguished jury of computer graphics experts and specialists.

For those of you who are interested, the conversations can continue at the hotel next door.

Please RSVP to dc_siggraph@mail.com so we can plan for refreshments.

Hope to see you there!